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PTA Meetings

Join us in the George Mason cafeteria for our monthly PTA meetings. Child care and transportation are usually provided. 

2024-2025 PTA Meetings

The PTA meets once a month in the George Mason cafeteria. Please check ParentSquare for additional details regarding each meeting. 


Mon. Sept. 16th - PTA meeting @ 7:00pm

Meet Principal Finan and Exec Board, Approve Budget/Audit, Get to know the PTA, Upcoming Events, Modernization Update


Mon. Sept. 16th - PTA meeting @ 7:00pm

Meet Principal Finan and Exec Board, Approve Budget/Audit, Get to know the PTA, Upcoming Events, Modernization Update


Fri. Nov. 15th - PTA meeting @ 8:15am

​Join us in the George Mason Cafeteria 


Mon. Dec. 9th - PTA meeting @ 7:00pm

​Join us in the George Mason Cafeteria


Mon. Jan. 13th - PTA meeting @ 7:00pm

Art Night with Ms. Dykhuis • Join us for our annual art night and best PTA meeting of the year with art teacher Ms. Dykhuis! The GMES Second Grade artists will teach us to blend with oil pastels to make a mini Monet. Supplies provided and families get to take home their child's art piece! All grades and families welcome


Mon. Feb. 10th - PTA meeting @ 7:00pm



Mon. Mar. 14th - PTA meeting @ 8:15am



Mon. Apr. 7th - PTA meeting @ 7:00pm



Mon. May 12th - PTA meeting @ 7:00pm



Mon. Jun. 2nd - PTA meeting @ 7:00pm


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